Friday, June 8, 2012

Her Birthday Suit

It has been a tough week and all of us have been a bit temperamental this week.  It hit me after reading another blog about a Disney trip that my blog can become or rather is the diary of the new age, albeit public.  So, after an emotionally charged week it just seemed to all settle as the day came to a close.  Earlier in the day after Brian lent his "man's perspective" I gave myself and my pastor the day off and chose to bug about the Church matters as little as possible.  Elena and I went to swim lessons at a lovely neighbor's house and stayed to talk and play for an extra 90 minutes.  I needed that.  I told Elena that on the drive over and she just "got" it and performed beautifully in the pool.  She even jumped off the diving board and swam the pool length today!  She is amazing and fearless!  Quick snack at home and then we headed to the park where after a nice long dragging-her-by-toenails walk, we picked blackberries growing near the path.  It was only about 4:30 pm when we returned home but it just felt like the day was done at that point.  Dinner, bath, and bed.

My head was pounding so by 8pm this summer's eve we were tucking in.  Then my little chatterbox daughter starts her questions and wants to know all about what she did before she was born.  What did she eat?  Did she sleep?  Did it hurt me when she kicked my belly?  Did she like to swim?  Was she ticklish? What color were her eyes?  What did she wear?  I answered all her questions with tickles and giggles and we had a joyous conversation remembering snuggled up under the blankets.  I love my Elena.  When it is all said and done she is still just great!

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