Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

It's raining this Sunday morning and I am quite certain the hurt and anguish the previously known as members of Real Life Hartwell have caused this dreary day.  I've awoken early to celebrate the sunrise, but the clouds are not providing a breakthrough.  Being around so many people who feel sad, abused, let-down, and broken by what I now consider a false prophet from what was our Texas leadership is a difficult task when I feel it in myself and feel their pain.  I sought out an early glimmer of hope this morning and tried to look on "Pastor" (I use the term loosely) Micah Davidson's facebook and twitter page.  Without having posted any direct reference to him and his "church" (little c used quite intentionally), I find I have been removed and blocked.  For a moment, I was taken aback upon realizing he didn't just close our Church without notice, he has flat out crossed us out of his life as if we never existed; never to be seen or heard from again.  So, I got to thinking...

How does a Pastor get his "power" anyways?  Like a lawyer can be disbarred, so must a pastor.  Where do you file an ethics complaint against a Pastor?  He thinks this little town won't and can't do.

I pray for the members of his church that they seek the real light and know the truth.  A Shepherd cannot lead a flock when he is killing his own sheep. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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